Be Like Mike

Written by: Tony Sengmany

Go ask your parents or an "older" person at least in their 30's this question: What does it mean when someone says, "I wanna be like Mike?" More than likely, they'll respond by singing, "Sometimes I dream that he is me..." referring to a 1991 Gatorade commercial featuring American professional basketball player Michael Jordan. MJ had taken the basketball world by storm, and many wanted to "be like Mike." 

As a Christian teenager, who should you want to be like? The answer is simple. Jesus Christ. What was Jesus most concerned about when He was here on Earth? He had one goal: to do God's Will. If we look at some of the first and last words of Christ on the Earth, we see His purpose and mission - "… I must be about my Father's business," and "… nevertheless not my will, but thine be done." (Luke 2:49, 22:42)

What are you most concerned about in life? Is it a relationship, career, or some unknown? Or are you concerned about doing and being in God's will? As a freshman in college, I heard a statement that I have never forgotten: "There is no success outside of God's will, and there are no failures in God's will."

The Scriptures give us three clear things that we can know are God's will for us right now: 

1. Be thankful (1 Thessalonians 5:18). We often live our lives the opposite of this verse, complaining, murmuring, and griping. Remember, the children of Israel spent forty years wandering in the wilderness because of complaining. Show gratitude. 

2. Be a witness (2 Peter 3:9) . God is not "willing that any should perish." We are to "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Take time today to tell someone else about the only way of salvation. 

3. Be holy (I Thessalonians 4:3).  God's will is for us to be set apart. We are to live holy lives separated to Christ and separated from the world.

I believe one of the most common questions Christian teenagers ask is this, "How do I know the will of God?" Before you can know God's future will, you have a choice today regarding God's present will. Are you doing it? Do what you know to do and then you will know what to do. Let's be busy obeying, serving, and doing God's will today. 

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